Several years ago while I searched for something new to bring to my landscape imagery I began experimenting in woven textile. A friend after visiting my studio, suggested that I weave one of my images and they arranged for me to visit their University’s textile department. After touring the studios and production area of working looms, I decided that this was a good point to begin another phase for making my imagery.

I liked the first results enough to continue with the process and it has become the exclusive way for making my work. My process entails using multiple layers of images from photography, drawing and painting that are redrawn and converted into a digital file that interfaces with a computerized Jacquard loom. There is a distinct thing about this woven surface and the way light travels over it which articulates its texture that adds to my idea of landscape.

,,,,,,,,the woods, folders and shoeboxes of minerals have been replaced with a spectacular garden where I focus all of my attention.  My tapestries are the product of effort to capture all of my simultaneous reactions to it,,, the whirl from that input, it's possibilities, and the craving of it.

                                     Steve Donegan



On Tapestries
